What to do, what to do?… Obviously if the murderer was a Tea Party conservative the media would be deep into their 24/7 news cycle wall-to-wall coverage because this totally would fit the preferred narrative; but what can they possibly do when the killer is a radical leftist…

(Via CNN) A 46-year-old man has been charged with murder in the shooting death of three Muslim students in an apartment near the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus.
Police haven’t said what may have compelled the accused, Craig Stephen Hicks, to allegedly carry out the attack Tuesday evening. He turned himself into police later in the night.
craig stephen hicksCraig Stephen Hicks was arrested and charged with murder in the shooting deaths of three North Carolina students.
But given the victims’ religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role, if any, the victims’ faith played.
The victims were Muslims: Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23; Yusor Mohammad, 21; and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.
Barakat was Mohammad’s husband; Abu-Salha was her sister, the school said. (read more)
Via Weaselzippers:  […]  In Hicks’ Facebook, he refers to himself as a ‘militant atheist’ and posts related to atheism are the majority on his Facebook. His avatar is “Atheists for Equality”, and he has several posts dedicated to gay rights. He was recently married to his wife, but only a couple of posts are related to that. He liked “Forward Progressives’ as well as an anti-‘Teabaggers’ group. He was a fan of Richard Dawkins and Neil De Grasse Tyson
craig stephen hicks 1
Muslims on social media are already asking why there is not more coverage on the case, why there are not condemnations of this act and calling it terrorism. Richard Dawkins has already condemned it. But the East Coast is just waking up to it, so doubtless we will hear much more on this case today.
