We will sticky this thread to the top of the page as the results come in.   The updates will include key Senate and Governors races.  We will update as the results come in.  It is anticipated to be a long night.

Politico Election Central – LINK HERE  BING Election Results – LINK HERE
Associated Press – LINK HERE   Fox News – LINK HERE  CNN – LINK HERE
election 2014
update-17:30 PM  Kentucky Mitch McConnell is declared winner over Democrat challenger Alison Grimes.  Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham also Republican winners in South CarolinaIn a takeaway seat Republican Shelly Capito is also projected to win a senate seat in West Virginia.
8:00pm Mississippi Senate called for returning Republican Thad Cocharan,  Democrat Tom Wolf flips Pennsylvania blue and wins the Governors race.
8:30 pm Arkansas Senate race called for Republican Tom Cotton, that’s takeaway seat #2 for Republicans in the senate.
9:00 pm South Dakota Senate Republican Mike Rounds wins, that’s takeaway seat #3
10:00 pm Colorado Senate Republican Corey Gardner WINS, that’s takeaway seat #4, also Florida media (state only) reporting win for Governor Rick Scott.  In Montana Senate race Republican Steve Daines flips another seat, that’s takeaway #5.   
10:30pm GEORGIA Senate Republican David Perdue is called as the winner.  In Kansas Senator Pat Roberts holds off the “independent/democrat” challenger.
11:00pm  Iowa provides takeaway #6 with a win by Jodi Ernst, and North Carolina’s Republican Senate Candidate Thom Tillis has won to be takeaway #7.

Finally Harry Reid is GONE !!

Please join in the comments sections with races of your interest, links you find valuable, and opinion as to the results as they are released.
For political junkies this is our Superbowl night !
