Many people who have followed the Ferguson protests have noted a very involved element of radical Islam appearing just below the surface.
One of the more visible primary agitators is “Umar Lee”, aka Bret Lee.  Recently Bret Lee has begun severely ramping up the cries for carnage and blood, as the weeks have progressed he appears to have become increasingly unstable.
umar lee tweet 1
Both  Pam Geller and Charles Johnson have also noticed the increasing vitriol:
Umar Lee beheading

Umar Lee is a notorious and unstable character. In 2013 he left Islam and then he returned. An agitator and notorious jihadist. Apparently the violence appealed to him – for the same reason the Ferguson [violence] does.
Islamic supremacists have been working feverishly to marry Ferguson to the Islamic supremacists’ jihad.  (link)

Despite his calls for violence, and his recent arrests, or perhaps because of them, Mr. Lee has gained the sympathy of Alderman Antonio French who was recently trying to get Umar Lee out of police custody.
Mr. Lee is now out of jail and again asking for the citizens of Ferguson to join him in the blood-shedding.   Upon his release from jail he as sent this message to his followers requesting their assistance.

@1:40 “they hate me because I’m Muslim”…   @1:50 “they hate you because you are black, and because you are Muslim”…  @2:00 “they hate you because you resist”… “their hatred cannot be negotiated with”…  @2:30 “some of us will have to die”… @2:55 “the police is an unjust order”…
Most observers would view these types of espousals as considerably “extremist”, unstable, and actually alarming.
However, Mr. Bret Lee, despite being a father to young children. does not apparently see any danger inherent in such declarations.
After a lengthy Twitter exchange with Mr. Lee, he admits to a 1997 forgery arrest, conviction and prison time.   And feels quite justified in the recent extremist language.
Quite concerning.
