There are some remarkable similarities to Eric Robert Rudolph, the Atlanta Olympic bomber that many people might remember. Rudolph used his extensive knowledge of the North Carolina mountains to evade capture for years…
PENNSYLVANIA – State police said Eric Frein, accused of killing one trooper and injuring another, had planned the rampage “extensively for months, maybe years,” and authorities have every indication that he is somewhere in a densely wooded area in northern Monroe County where the search has intensified this weekend.
Eric Frein
Authorities have found several abandoned items including an AK-47-style rifle and magazines in recent days.
“There’s no doubt we are pushing him hard,” Lt. Col. George Bivens, deputy commissioner of operations, said during a news conference underway now. “He is losing items.”[…]

He said the search is primarily focused on the Monroe and Pike County border, close to where Frein lived with his parents in Barrett Township. He said there has been no exchange of gunfire so far.
Bivens said authorities have received hundreds of helpful tips over the last nine days and urged hunters who have trail cameras to review the video and report anything suspicious over the last few months. Authorities believe Frein hid items in the woods he knows so well. He also asked people to report any bunkers and shelters they know about.
He suggested that, with archery season nearing, that bowhunters stay out of the woods where authorities are searching, and that residents use caution when moving about. (READ MORE)
