Two familiar questions have recently been resurrected by the professional left.  Both questions essentially stem from obfuscation and intentional deflection around the Libyan attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi.

When the conversation comes up about Benghazi, much of it is now focused on the lies and cover-up after the attack itself.   In an effort to diminish inquiry, the professional left throw out a familiar prose:  “Oh yeah, well if it’s a cover up what exactly were they trying to cover up”?

Libya Banner 3

benghazi murdered Chris Stevens Tyrone Woods Sean Smith Glenn Doherty   

Or more professionally stated:

What was the policy failure in Libya that created the Benghazi crisis and immediately created risk to the Obama administration?

Samantha Power - Valerie Jarrett - President ObamaThat’s actually an easy question to answer.   It was President Obama’s decision to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power that led to the rise of al-Qaeda in Libya (who were positioned in Benghazi and Eastern Libya from the outset).   The “rebels” who we assisted with weapons during the 2011 Civil War were all elements of various al-Qaeda factions.

As soon Obama engaged military operations in Libya, under the guise of NATO, Obama  became responsible for the outcome.   *IMPORTANT NOTE*  Remember Obama never asked congress for military authorization or permission – he evoked the War Powers Act, took offensive military action, and despite his own Office of Legal Counsel telling him he overstepped his constitutional authority – he did it anyway.

If you want to really arm yourself with facts to deconstruct the Liberal deflections USE THIS LINK and read all three parts which outline the policy failure in DETAIL.

The second question is even easier to answer.

•  Whether the Benghazi attack was caused by a political protest, by a U-Tube video, or a specifically intended terrorist attack – “What Difference Does It Make” ?

ambassador chris stevens collar bone injuryThe difference it makes surrounds what action would the U.S. take in response.

Think about this carefully from a political perspective – the same perspective that was used when the decision to blame a U-Tube video was made.

IF, the administration struck back against the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia, and killed or captured the culprits of the Benghazi attack itself,  the administration immediately -as a course of action- are admitting it was terrorism.

Why has no-one been held accountable ?   Again, think about it politically.   You can’t hold the guilty accountable without admitting the motive behind the guilty party.

What would the response be to the arrest and year of imprisonment of the U-Tube Mohammed video director ?   What about Hillary telling the families of Stevens, Smith, Doherty and Woods she would hold the Producer/Director of some ridiculous video to account ?

President Obama can’t strike back against the perps who committed the Benghazi attack, because doing so would expose both he and Hillary Clinton to scrutiny about the entire impetus of the attack itself, and the fraudulent story they used to avoid their own accountability.

I would argue if the attack was accurately identified from the outset our military would have already responded.   Justice would have been delivered on behalf of Woods, Doherty, Stevens, Smith and all Americans.    Alas….

obama and hillary
