Howard KurtzFinally someone, actually Howard Kurtz, asks the question that many people want to know the answer to.

BACKSTORY – For those who might not have paid attention over the past two years, Sharyl Attkisson was doing some great investigative reporting on the DOJ, Eric Holder and Fast n Furious gun running scandal. Her reporting then shifted to look into what actions were taken by the DOJ *AFTER* the scandal broke, and the wagon circling around the White House began.
Then, in the fall and winter of 2012 and 2013 Sharyl began looking closely at the Benghazi fiasco.
In the midst of her investigative reporting (May 2013) a mysterious series of hacks began into her computers both at home and at work, in addition her phone was tracked and hacked.
CBS publically admitted in June of 2013 something nefarious was going on.   Sharyl reported after several weeks of looking at the issue she knew ‘what’ and/or ‘who’ was to blame.
Howard Kurtz asks what was the outcome of all of this ?

Obama HolderIt’s important not to think of the hacking of Sharyl Attkisson without the coinciding context of the DOJ investigation of reporter James Rosen being conducted.
The timing of what happened to Sharyl Attkisson coincided EXACTLY with the DOJ spying on investigating Fox News James Rosen.
FACT:  Eric Holder approved and affirmed a phone records subpoena claiming Fox News journalist, James Rosen, was an unindicted co-conspirator to domestic terrorism charges.  Holder then went judge shopping to get the subpoenas validated;  two judges said NO, the 3rd agreed to do it.
Eric Holder denied any involvement directly to congress.   He lied.   However,  Attorney General Holder said he lied truthfully.
