In perhaps the least shocking surprise of the year (so far) Health and Human Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has resigned her position.    The White House has announced a replacement in Sylvia Mathews Burwell the current Director for The Office Of Management and Budget.
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The timing of her resignation was widely anticipated after President Obama’s duplicitous  Rose Garden speech outlining successful ObamaCare registrations where Sebelius was conspicuously absent in appearance and mention.
Removing her now is seen as surgically removing the flawed ObamaCare rollout embarrassment from the ongoing narrative.   Nominating a female replacement for the upcoming confirmation process also provides President Obama with both a feminism shield and a sexist sword.
However, the replacement is actually quite flawed.   But the Republican Senators will never be intelligent enough to outline the specific reasons to query Sylvia Mathews Burwell around the Presidential Budget, her former responsibility.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
The President is constitutionally required to present a budget proposal on March 1st of every year.   Four out of five years the President has missed this deadline.
In addition to missing four years of legal deadlines for a budget, not a single Obama budget has ever received a majority of Democrat votes.   Not a single President Obama budget has ever passed the House or Senate – even when they controlled filibuster proof majorities in both houses.
Two consecutive years the House never even voted on a budget.  Four consecutive years the Senate never even proposed one, let alone voted on one.
President Obama has never had a day in office with a federal budget.
Not.One.Day.  Going into year SIX now.
President Obama is the only President ever to hold office and NEVER have a budget signed into law.
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However, you won’t see anyone ask Mrs. Sylvia Mathews Burwell about that during her confirmation hearing – because it would be a War on Women, or something…
