Air Chief Marshal Houston has told Radio 3AW he was concerned that there haven’t been any further signal detections today.

malaysian MH370 search ping location map

“The worry we have is that we haven’t been able to reacquire it,” he told 3AW radio.

“Underwater searching with an autonomous underwater vehicle takes an awful long time so it’s not like using an aircraft. You literally crawl along the ocean floor. (link)

Acting Prime Minister Warren Truss described today as “critical”, as crews try and reconnect with the signals.

“The connections two days ago were obviously a time of great hope that there had been a significant breakthrough and it was disappointing that we were unable to repeat that experience yesterday,” Mr Truss told reporters in Sydney.

“I understand that they will be using the autonomous vehicle to examine the water in the areas of interest today and I hope that might lead to another breakthrough.”

The Acting PM said it was important to pursue the black box search with “great vigour”, expressing hope the battery lasts longer than expected.

“Let’s hope that today we are able to build on the work of a couple of days ago and help better establish what happened in the last moments of this flight.”

He argued the leads authorities have managed to achieve already, without finding wreckage, were “remarkable”.

“We will certainly be taking every available opportunity that we can to bring this search to some degree of finality,” Mr Truss concluded.  (read latest)
