Amanda Marcotte - Sexism - feminism - clinton supporter(Newsbusters) Lest there be any doubt, Amanda Marcotte really hates pro-lifers.
In a two-part rant posted March 14 and 17 on Raw Story, the morally challenged feminist writer attacked pro-lifers as “consummate liars,” “anti-choice kooks” with “boring,” “half-baked nonsense” and “shit arguments.”
But Marcotte’s hate doesn’t stop at pro-lifers. It extends to the babies they want to protect.

“Either way, what she [the woman] wants trumps the non-existent desires of a mindless pre-person that is so small it can be removed in about two minutes during an outpatient procedure. Your cavities fight harder to stay in place.”

Did she just compare an unborn child to a cavity? 
Marcotte then goes on a seriously mature rant about the reasons she does not want a child: “I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding. No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness.”
On the topic of adoption, Marcotte sums up her feelings simply: “Adoption? Fuck you, seriously.” That’s a heck of an argument.  (read more)
Coexist anti-abortion poster

Coexist, ban bossy !
