NO !    Let me be clear:   NO !   

Just in case you are fuzzy on the big word:  NO ! 

In the event you have difficulty understanding the whole Good VS Bad concept:  NO ! 

In essence, just to keep it simple:  NO !

john-kerry-agitated_t1larg-550x309YAHOO NEWS – Secretary of State John Kerry is proposing to offer up US troops to help secure the borders of the new state of Palestine, according to some unconfirmed news reports coming out of Israel.
How plausible is the possibility? And would it be a good idea, or, as some military analysts argue, would the White House would be “nuts” to consider it?
The US troops would be tasked with helping to prevent anti-Israel forces from coming out of Jordan and reaching Israel, according to Debkafile, an Israeli intelligence and security news service. (read more)
