I’m not good enough with photo shop or visual skills.   But when I saw the latest Obamacare ad campaign I had an idea.   First, here is the Obamacare ad:
Every article I have read about this campaign is focused to the crass, rude and inappropriate advertising construct.   Actually, that was not what caught my attention.
What caught my attention was an immediate recognition of how successful a counter campaign would be using images to reflect  the opposite truth.
Rather than deconstruct a “Got Insurance” campaign of keg stands and sex parties.   Why not focus on the reality of Obamacare:   “Got Cancellation”?

A  “Got Cancellation”? campaign would have images that look like this:

Got Cancellation?


“Got Cancellation”?

Got Cancellation?

Got Cancellation?

I don’t know, maybe I’m over my head; definitely marketing is not my forte’, but which version elicits the most emotional response that you can relate to ?

Those or this:

Ho care 2

C’mon Team…  Get going….
