New York […] To King, the fault doesn’t lie broadly with Congress, but falls squarely on Cruz and his 30 or 40 “acolytes,” who put pressure on other Republicans.
representative Peter King - House Committee chairI think it’s important for people in the Republican Party around the country not to just come in at the end and say, ‘Congress was dysfunctional,’ or ‘Congress screwed up.’ That’s too easy to do,” King said. “Say who it was. Because it wasn’t Congress. It was one person who was able to steamroll Congress and unless we target him for what he is, he’s going to do it again. So I’m hoping other Republicans will join me and start going after this guy, and say we’re not going to let it happen again.”
Republican leaders, including 2016 candidates like Chris Christie, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush, have criticized the dysfunction to varying degrees, but none have specifically attacked Cruz, who has become a darling of the Tea Party constituency that could be a big factor in a future primary.
King said the “business community, other people, guys running for president, governors around the country, retired members of Congress, elder statesmen, whoever considers himself to be a leader in the Republican Party should be out there” making the case against Cruz. (full article)
