… just happened.

Kilroy Is Here !

One of the really good guys on our team was ripped off over the weekend.   BigFurHat @iOTW is one of the few REALLY dependable guys you can count on to be beside you outside the wire, and on the front line pushback against the leftist hoard.  But most of y’all already know that.
What you probably don’t know is – over the weekend one of his great visual snarks against the Stompy Feet usurpers, The Mount Rushmore Picture, was ripped off from his credit.
Another website, with a vast and large Facebook audience, used his picture while editing out the credit attribution.   In essence they stole his picture for their own use without giving him credit for it; and 160,000 people saw the picture without Biggie’s efforts being recognized.   It’s a long inside baseball story – Which you can read here.
BigFur was upset, and rightly so.    But God has a very subtle, yet direct, way to support those in righteous cause, if you just open yourself up to seeing his hand at work.
Today, The Drudge Report, picked up on a Conservative Treehouse article.   A link to Drudge is a big effen’ deal, it brings in hundreds of thousands of hits.
And guess which article they linked into?
Yep.   The CTH article about Mount Rushmore closing with BigFurHat’s credit picture front and center.
So Biggie, if you are reading this, hold strong dear friend.   Your picture has been seen today, right here alone, by over 180,000 people and it’s still going !   Simultaneously, over 6,000+ peeps clicked into your site from following Drudge to here.
Even if you don’t believe in a righteous God, or divine, natural and universal truths, you can still accept the glory of a pretty cool thing.

Wrong is Wrong, even if everybody does it;  and Right is Right, even if nobody does it.  And so long as we each continue to do the next right thing – He’ll never fail you, or let you fall.


Kilroy Is Here ! ….and now, just like in 1945,  a Loving God has our backs !
If you open your heart to see him at work.
Now…. go tell Biggie
