I checked Jack Cashill’s Website earlier today, and found this:
“Ebook available around September 1”
Curious, I went to Amazon.com and, sure enough, the EBook is available TODAY!
The book:

If I had a Son: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman


In the Amazon publisher’s description are these words:

All that stood between Zimmerman and lifetime internment were two folksy local lawyers, their aides, and some very dedicated citizen journalists, most notably an unpaid handful of truth seekers at the blogging collective known as the Conservative Treehouse.

The Ebook, available for $9.99 at Amazon can be read on a Kindle or, by using one of the free Amazon apps, you can read it on your phone, laptop, desktop etc, or even on line.
Here’s the link to purchase:
Purchase Amazon Ebook
Here’s the link to download the free apps:
Amazon Free Kindle Reading Apps
I’m already reading.  Some of us are mentioned by screen name.  Even if you aren’t, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the read.
