Correct answer to such a request = um, NO !

If you want to insure the immediate DEATH of a Constitutional Republic take taxpayer money from fiscally prudent places and spend it to bail out the insufferably incompetent.  Such a proposition should  -if actually applied- LEAD TO CIVIL WAR.


(Via MSNBC)  American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) President Lee Saunders:

We’ve got to deal with this, Chris. I believe not only as it affects Detroit but the national government. This administration has a responsibility to deal with the problems and impact on urban centers across this country. The engines — the engines of states who are experiencing financial difficulty. I’m not saying we’ve got to bail everything out, but if we can rescue cities and countries in Europe, if we can bail out Wall Street — which we did — if we can rescue the auto industry, which was the right thing to do, then i think we’ve got to think about creative measures in which we can help urban centers across the country experiencing financial difficulty.  (link)
