Guest post by Zurich Mike

assumtionToday is August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven. It is an important holiday in the church year for Catholics and Orthodox Christians, who celebrate this holiday two weeks later using the Julian calendar. Orthodox Christian call it the Dormition of the Theotokos (Mother of God). If you search for those terms (Feast of the Assumption, Dormition of the Theotokos), you will find plenty of information.

 We believe that Mary died and was assumed into heaven body and soul, befitting the Mother of God, she who is higher than all the angels (and as the Archangel Gabriel said, she who is the most highly favored daughter, and who all nations shall call blessed). No, we do not worship Mary. That is reserved alone to Jesus Christ in the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We revere Mary, and exult as the angels did when she accepted the task of bringing Christ into the world as a human. We ask for her protection and intercession.

 ZurichMike is very devoted to the Blessed Mother, as is his mother. In that spirit, I would like to offer some Marian-themed music to you.

 First, this transcendent, mystical chant:  Salve Mater Misericordiae (Hail, Mother of Mercy)

Next, here is the basic tune for Hail, Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star.

Here is that same song by modern Latvian composer Rihards Dubra. It is ethereal in parts — my favorite part is around 8:35 in the clip. You need to be very relaxed when you listen to this – close your eyes, imagine a maritime setting, light glinting off the water, the sea surge moving a ship into the sunset, waves slipping on the beach, etc.  It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I find it very moving.

And lastly, here is Hail, Holy Queen, but not the over-the-top version from Sister Act, but a stirring, magisterial version, especially the second verse (without the organ):
