Today, July 8th, is DAY #20 (of 5th week) State of Florida V. George Zimmerman case.
The State wrapped up their case last Friday and the first two defense witnesses took the stand.  George Zimmerman’s mom, Gladys, and his uncle, Jorge, both testified it was George screaming for help on the 911 tapes.   A good analysis of the events from last week and the failed JOA is available HERE: 
Against the backdrop of a really weak prosecutorial case filled with lies, deception and outright fraud, the Defense begins today.  From the outset of our research, over 15+ months ago, we have asserted this is not a legal case.  Far from it, the reality is, as we have outlined continuously, the State V. Zimmerman case is a “political case”.
During the past year we have outlined “who”, “what”, “where” and “why”.  We have left no stone unturned;  We have exposed every ounce of rot we could drag from the shadows and hold up to the disinfection of sunlight.  Corruption surrounds this case.   We Treepers, as a collective group, have invested well in excess of 10,000 hours of research;  Not only in person and on the ground, but also with public records searches  and  FOIA submissions.    The archives for this case -on this site- exceed 1,000 threads of meticulously cited, researched and attributed information.
Now, finally, we all watch together and see how the Defense team utilize their skill to connect all the dots, and perhaps reconcile the political prosecution for the jury to witness.
Four Live Stream Links:

Here are some additional *possible* Links to the Hearing:

Hat Tip Rumpole for the list.