Today, July 3rd, is DAY #18 (of 4th week) State of Florida V. George Zimmerman case.
Rather than recap yesterday, I want to draw attention to some issues – A great recap is available HERE:
Yesterday, we got the first view on the horizon of the mud about to get slung by the State toward the character of George Zimmerman – Things are about to get intense. Also, the State probably wants the jury to hear Sybrina, TrayMom™ and tears, last in the line-up prior to the long mid-week holiday break – so heads up for her this afternoon. Tracy probably will not testify – due to his on-the-record lies now visible in evidence.
Remember, there is so much corruption in the assembly of this case you can expect the State to avoid the traditional witnesses brought by normal prosecutions. The state has already won a pre-trial motion to bar the defense mentioning the absence of any witness from the State’s case. So if the Seminole County Medical Examiner, or any LEO is not called to the stand – O’Mara cannot mention it. M.E. = Trayvon Blood Tox. etc.
The Scheme Team has, in their desperation, blitzed the media and geography. Daryl Parks, and Jasmine Rand are doing as much Cable News as possible. Jasmine is the David Axelrod of their scheme. She is also a well skilled liar, and working hand in hand to assist and counsel with the State. Jasmine is also simultaneously trying to coordinate the narrative of Rachel Jeantel with Rod Vereen. You now have: Natalie Jackson, Ben Crump, Darryl Parks, Jasmine Rand, and Rod Vereen all working together to protect their narrative. According to her girls: Alicia Stanley – has also been physically threatened and extorted to keep her mouth shut. They, all of them, are in full tactical combat operational mode to get their lynching money. There is NOTHING they will not do. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Four Live Stream Links:

Here are some additional *possible* Links to the Hearing:

Hat Tip Rumpole for the list.