Strong in the fail… even within the black community of Sanford.   Wow, what a staggering turn-a-round.   The NAACP event, which was WIDELY publicized by the ever helpful media, was a MASSIVE Thud.   Less than 200 people showed up at the Allen Chapel AME Church.

No Al Sharpton? No Ben Jealous?  No Jesse Jackson?

This is HUGE news.   Of course the NAACP goes in full spin control mode and proclaims they are not going to protest at the courthouse, because no-one should tell them where they can protest.   Which actually means, we can’t get enough people to show up so we’ll make some pathetic excuse to avoid the reality.   I was wondering why the media was not showing the outside of the courthouse.  Makes sense now.  No wonder the Scheme Team is distraught.  Here is the story from an NAACP friendly, white-apologist, local media outlet.

AME Allen Chapel town hall

SANFORD — As the first day of the George Zimmerman trial comes to a close, supporters of Trayvon Martin and his family joined together not far from the courthouse to remember the teen.

Nearly 200 members of Seminole County’s NAACP spent the night of opening statements not in protest zones or in rallies but rather in prayer at the Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Sanford.

The town hall setting discussed opening day of the trial, the issue of Stand your Ground in Florida, and how to support Trayvon Martin’s family.

An opening prayer asked for calm and understanding throughout the next couple weeks.

Members say it’s important to gather at church and have civilized meetings and rallies  – and stay away from the courthouse.

“The so-called “demonstration area” that has been designated you will not see us protesting in that particular area cause no one tells us where to go, how long to stay, what to do, and what to say,” said Seminole County NAACP President Turner Clayton Jr.

The Seminole County Branch of the NAACP says they will hold another town hall later in the trial towards the early part of July.  (read more)

Of course they’ll wait til later in July…. That’s when the national NAACP Convention shows up in Orlando Florida this year for their annual gathering.   Should be easier to skim off a few die-hards from the convention to help with the optics.

Quite a change from when the Justice for Trayvon™ Trash Can tour was at its peak.

