The George Zimmerman case was not a fight we chose, it was a fight that chose us. We wanted to find the truth, the opposition wanted to hide the truth – such is the nature of the conflict comprised.

That said, the serious issues at hand are far greater than a product now defined as George Zimmerman. However, the ideological argument is always augmented with the consideration that one man’s freedom does actually lie in the balance.

Nakoula-Basseley-Nakoulas-008Bond Hearing Held For Trayvon Martin Shooter George Zimmerman

What George Zimmerman ‘the product’ is to the Professional Black Grievance Industry, albeit under the auspices of ‘civil rights and wrongful death’ protestations, is not dissimilar to Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and what he was for the Obama administration.

Both Nakoula and Zimmerman are tools, representative products, needed to advance a claim. The merit of the claim is tied intrinsically into the narrative that each product represents for those who seek to use it.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Christian who became the global Benghazi scapegoat for having the audacity to use his first amendment freedom and produce a video about Islam, is in jail – his purpose served.

George Zimmerman, the man who became the face of the new race-based ideological advancements framed around ‘civil rights’, and lawyerly words like “Adverse Impact”, or “Disparate Application”, is yet to join Nakoula – his purpose ongoing.

So please consider the weight of what this “Zimmerman Trial” represents when you are dropping comments into threads surrounding the upcoming case.

Pause and think about whether or not you are reacting with emotion – or responding with logic.

Reflect upon what is known about the opposition, what you know about yourself, and what action may be taken by those forces who would like nothing more than to use your words together with their Alinsky principles. Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize. Does your commentary help their objective? Can it be construed as such?

Respond don’t react. Reaction is instinctive, engrained, habitual and emotionally based. Responding is deliberate, thoughtful and generally more insightful and logic-based.
