bridge, dark and stormyI want our next POTUS, should we be so fortunate to ever have another one, to be someone who doesn’t look stupid riding a horse or shooting a gun (one of those that really goes BOOM.)

He should look good in man jeans.  He needs to understand why we still love Pete Rose.

He should be able to explain in Normal American why Karl Rove is a jerk, why old ladies love Ted Nugent and why we loved how much Ronnie loved Nancy even though she had an occasional seance.

We want to see the word cloud from an aggregate of his public speeches covering the five years just before he came to the attention of the general public–just to see what’s there.

He can’t look uncomfortable when he’s surrounded by Normal American Military Men In Full Uniform Who have  a Glint in their Eyes and Anger in their Souls, who are filled with Heart-Throbbing Love for Their Wives, Their Children and Our Flag.

After he has left office, we will want to find out that sometimes late at night he would leave the White House with a few Secret Service men and, go over to the National Mall to walk Korean war memorialthrough the monuments, lingering before the Vietnam Wall, stopping among the soldiers in Korea who are making their way through the rain headed for that outpost on the hill,   and for a few moments, he sits among the columns at the WW II memorial. And we will learn that he just sat there quietly, sometimes visiting with a random tourist or patriot who came there in the middle of the night, also wanting to be alone as they gave respect and time to the history of our nation and the lives of those who have died for her.

The Heroes of Benghazi will not be the last to shed blood for our country.  I believe the line of those who are ready to do that is getting longer every day, and we are a totally volunteer force (including those who wear the uniform).  Thinking of what Patton said–with a twist: I’m willing to die for my country and I know that the bastardos who are willing to kill me for their cause aren’t really willing to die for anything.  I also want to live for her–to make her free again.

11111111They are moral Lilliputians.  There are alot of them.  And their ability to deceive has tied the nation in knots.

We have their scrambling, ugly little footmarks all over us as they have traipsed up and down, tightening the ropes.

The Lilliputians really need to be destroyed, folks, if our nation is to live free again.

When the USS Ronald Reagan was christened, I got chills and unexpectedly dusty eyes when I saw the footage of Nancy Reagan bashing the bottle and saying in the best, courageous, ladylike way, “Bring her alive!”

I hope I got that term right–it was either “Bring her alive!” or “Make her Alive!” which I understand to be a traditional thought when a new ship is manned–the crew is all on board, but all standing stock still.  The ship is not considered to “be alive” until the moment when, after her naming,  the crew runs to their stations and begins their duties.  Then, and only then, she lives.  (If someone can fill in the backstory on that tradition, drop it in the comments, please and thank you….thank you to stellap/see comments)

Bring her alive!  Make her live!  Release her!  Let her go!
