I’m long on effort – short on sleep, but I want to get this posted asap.  Thanks to Puddy and Rumpole for downloading/finding the vids.

I could go into a long summation of the video narrative in these segments and what it all means.  However, in the interest of time I’m asking you to bear with me til I can connect the dots more clearly.   For the sake of brevity watch these videos with the following in mind:

      • CNN has been proven to be willingly compromised by relationships with White House and Administration operatives.
      • When guest, “Ronald Kessler”, is talking Piers Morgan is getting direction in his earpiece to cut him off.   He does (see the vid and transcript) and Kessler is dispatched, but the message was already submitted.  *Note he just disappears and is never mentioned again…. nor thanked or acknowledged.
      • Piers Morgan has a show Director talking to him (ear piece), and motioning to him, on screen left, (watch his eyes closely when he cuts off Kessler – and immediately thereafter as he is receiving instructions).
      • Susan Kelly is filling the role of a Security Analyst for CNN, but she is coordinated from the White House.   She was sent to CNN, spontaneously appeared, on the same night as the Benghazi “leaked” State Dept emails were reported on.   From that moment on – Kelly replaced Fran Townsend on all CNN shows discussing Benghazi.
      • Consider Susan Kelly a covert White House operative of sorts when you watch the video and see if it changes your understanding of what you are watching.   Watch her eyes and how she is checking her “talking points” to trigger/inject key phrases, and obfuscations into the story/narrative.

Here is the second segment. We have documented the specific purpose of Susan Kelly – Watch what she does in this segment. WATCH:

Here is a pertinent portion of the transcript – emphasis mine:

[…]  MORGAN: Let me turn to Ronald Kessler.

Mr. Kessler, you have got lots of good FBI contacts and you posted tonight a story about this, which contains some fascinating detail. We’ve been unable to corroborate it.  But give me in broad brush strokes what you believe to be the circumstances behind what has happened to David Petraeus.

RONALD KESSLER, AUTHOR (via telephone): What happened is last spring, the fact that he was communicating with this woman on his military e-mail account was uncovered by the FBI because of a general filtering system of government e-mails which uncovered a reference to something going on under a desk.   Well, it actually meant he was having sex with her under the desk, but the FBI thought it might refer to corruption — in other words, doing something under the table.   And that’s how this investigation started.

The FBI then went back and traced all of his e-mails and ascertained that he was having this affair with this woman, and, of course, that is a total violation of top secret security rules.   You are not supposed to compromise yourself in any way where you could be blackmailed, especially the CIA director. There is almost nobody in the government who knows as many secrets as he does, and people are routinely fired for putting themselves in this position when they have a top secret security clearance.

What was even worse is that the FBI found that she broke up with him several months ago, and he continued to pursue her, sending thousands of e-mails to her. And again, this raises even more questions about his judgment.

The FBI thought that he would be immediately asked to resign. That’s what would normally happen with a government employee. But, in fact, the White House said, no, we want to wait until after the election. So, agents were furious.

I’ve been given insight to the actual agents that were doing the case, and they think it’s inexcusable that this was allowed to continue for months without firing him.

MORGAN: Let me — let me just jump in there, Ronald. Obviously, this is all your independent claims and reporting. We’ve been unable to corroborate this in the time scale we’ve had tonight but you do have very good FBI sources.

I want to turn now to Bob Baer. He’s the CNN contributor.

Bob, from everything you just heard there from Ronald Kessler, does this make sense to you that this could be the sequence of events?

BOB BAIER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, I think absolutely. But I tend to attribute more significance to the FBI of getting into his emails — into Petraeus’ e-mails.

The FBI, as a matter of course, doesn’t look at affairs, doesn’t read military officers’ e-mails or CIA officers. They have to be alerted to some sort of crime or counterintelligence problem. I can only speculate what that would be. Maybe it was something in the book that Broadwell wrote. There was some classified information.

It could have been other leaks to the press they looked into, and then once they opened a relationship like this, they found the rest of it, and that they’re able to get a warrant to continue to read his e- mails or hers. But something sparked this, something that we don’t know about so far.

KESSLER: What started it was a general filtering system not by the FBI, but probably by NSA, which looks for any abuse or problem with use of government e-mails.

MORGAN: Right. I mean —


MORGAN: I think the situation as we stand from everything I’ve read this evening, maybe I’ll bring Barbara Starr in her, she could help me with this, is that the FBI clearly were investigating Petraeus. How that started has not being confirmed, although Ronald obviously has his theory there. What we then know happened is they had this information presumably for quite some time.

To me, one of the key questions here is when did the White House get ahold of this investigation, and did they make a conscious decision for this not to be released to the media until after the election?

KESSLER: Yes, that exactly what happened.

MORGAN: Ronald, if I may just turn to Barbara Starr, if I may.

(cuts Kessler off – you never hear/see him again)

[…] With me again is Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, intelligence correspondent Suzanne Kelly, CNN contributor and former CIA operative Bob Baer and Lisa DePaulo, who wrote a fascinating article with “GQ” on Petraeus.

Bob Baer, let me bring you in here.

Some people would be thinking, what on earth is the FBI doing investigating CIA directors? Is that how it works? I mean, we’ve known there’s been tension between them, but it does seem a bit extraordinary.

BAER: I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve seen the CIA think it has a problem and they go to the FBI and file a crime report saying, look, you know, there’s something has happened here, look into this, and there is complete cooperation between the FBI and a the CIA in a criminal investigation.

But the idea the FBI is investigating a CIA director for an extramarital affair is just extraordinary. I have never seen it happen, and it smacks of George Orwell, really. You know —

MORGAN: It does. And also, I mean, put me right on this, because you’re much more informed than I am on how this stuff works inside the CIA. But it just seems — yes, he was having an affair but it wasn’t with anybody in the agency, it wasn’t anybody in the military. This was a biographer who had written a book about him.

Ostensibly, how big a security risk would that be if that was, indeed, what it was? I mean, it’s hard to construct a massive security breach, isn’t it?

BAER: It’s virtually not. I mean, I could — you know, I’m not going to, but there are four or five CIA directors I know carrying on extramarital affairs while they were director. The FBI was never brought in. The Office of Security was never brought in. It was ignored, it went away quietly, we’ll never know about them.

So, this is absolutely extraordinary. I’m telling you, there’s more to do than with sex. There’s something going on here which I can’t explain, and I think we’re going to find out very soon.

KELLY: Hey, Piers.  (panicked interruption)


KELLY: It’s Suzanne, I’m sorry.

I just — I hate to be so aggressive against Bob, but that was spoken like a true man. I mean, if there were other people who had security clearances at the level of David Petraeus who were sleeping with people outside of their marriage, I would want to know who they were.   I would want to make sure they weren’t trying to exploit that relationship in any way or that national security secrets were going to make that person vulnerable.

I feel like — to think that’s just an affair and pass it off is a little bit —


KELLY: I mean, Suzanne, is it one of those jobs like being the president when particularly in this modern era, you just cannot go there. You cannot have an affair if you are the director of the CIA or the president of the United States because of the quite obvious risk of blackmail or like being the president when particularly in this modern era, you just cannot go there. You cannot have an affair if you are the director of the CIA or the president of the United States because of the quite obvious risk of blackmail or just being held to ransom in some manner by whoever it may be.

BAER: No. No, it’s an American citizen. It’s different.


KELLY: I know Bob is going to disagree with me on this.

MORGAN: Let Suzanne go first. I’ll come back to you, Bob.



MORGAN: Bob, let Suzanne say something first. I’ll come back to you.

KELLY: If somebody has a level of national security like that, they are trusted by the American people to do what’s right. That doesn’t mean, of course, they’re not going to make mistakes in their life, no.

But if they’re carrying on an affair for an extended period of time and they’re using their government’s addresses and things like that, which are all accusations at this point, but if any of that turns out to be true, the FBI would have to look into that, right? Wouldn’t you want someone to look into that and see if that person were being exploited? The American deserve it.

MORGAN: Bob, if you don’t agree, why?

BAER: No, no, no. It’s the way it works is when it’s found out that the CIA director or whoever it is goes to the president and says, listen, this is going on, it’s done very quietly. It never ends up in a political resignation like this. It’s all done very quietly.

The CIA director would say, all right, I made a mistake. I’ll go ahead and here’s my resignation. The president accepts it, but it’s never made public. Somebody like this doesn’t come out and blow his career up unless something else is going on.

MORGAN: Bob, let me —

BAER: Additionally —

MORGAN: Sorry, Bob. Go.

BAER: But, additionally, it’s an American citizen. This isn’t like dealing with a foreigner. This is a benign journalist who has no record of being hostile to the government. It’s not on the face of it, a counterintelligence threat, and it’s not something that turns into a political scandal. It just never has. Something is going on.

MORGAN: Barbara Starr, it does seem murky, this. Do you think we’re going to be facing some quite big, new revelations over the next couple days?

Full Transcript HERE
