We were going to share a post about the electoral danger to the President for an investigation into the Benghazi “coverup”, then we spotted this post from Breitbart, and a link from FDRinHell which highlights and roadmaps respectively:

(Breitbart.com) Don’t be fooled by the supposedly bipartisan effort to investigate the Obama administration’s actions after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya. Democrats are no more serious about challenging Dear Leader in the White House than they have ever been.

Trying to pass off his actions as part of a bipartisan effort at investigation, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-Mass.) started circulating a letter that his aides said would be asking for more information.

Republicans claimed that there were now calls from both parties for an examination of Obama and his administration’s actions; Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said:

It’s my understanding today that all members of the Foreign Relations Committee — both Democrats and Republicans — are asking the administration for answers. So this is now something that certainly could never be colored as partisan.

John McCain had harsh words for Obama and his minions, calling Obama’s contention that the anti-Islamic video was to blame for the attack “unbelievable” and “disgraceful.”

When asked why Obama and his pals would act in such a way, McCain blasted:

Some allege that maybe it’s because they’re trying to convey to the American people that al Qaeda is no longer a threat, and that when Osama bin Laden left that was the case, but the reality is that al Qaeda is well and thriving in some places.

But here’s the salient point, and how the Democrats are duping the public into thinking that they truly want an investigation: Kerry and his pals’ letter to Thomas Nides, deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, is asking for more information and a full briefing after the Senate returns in November.

That’s right. After the election.  (read more)

But, wait,….. what if the post election strategy doesn’t work?   What if these pesky peeps keep poking us for answers.   What’s an administration to do?

Oh, yeah,…… remember the “Rahm Emanuel File Cabinet”?  

That stuffed-full filing cabinet, that “Dead Fish” Emanuel perfected the creation of.  The one that holds tons of psy-ops information on not only the opposition, but also, “expendable” administration peeps.

Black-ops files of dirt.

Who would be the perfect administration official to fall on his sword for a national security breech, screwup, foul-up or catastrophic failure to prevent terrorism.

Hmmmm?…..  A’s,….. , Nope.   B’s.. let’s see…., um, Nope.    C’s… hmmm…. Carney, Crist,….. Cla..

…. AH-HA !

“The Clapper File”

Perfect !

It he was being saved for the “scapegoat routine” in the event an underwear bomber was successful, or another al-Qaeda terror attack on US soil,….. but, pffffttt, he’s absolutely perfect for the job of sword falling to appease the easily manipulated media;   and consequently we can spin it to make it look like “Mr. Gutsy Caller” himself ain’t going to let any incompetence be running around his White House.

Why yes.   He’ll do just nicely thank you.

After all, the administration protected him from his own insufferable ineptitude on national television when he did not know about the 12 men arrested on the day of the London Bombings…… back in 2010 (Strike One)

(that’s still painful to watch)

But poor Mr. Clapper was is such an intelligence doofus that they had to protect him again in February 2011 when he told the House Intelligence Committee the Muslim Brotherhood were a “largely secular” organization “which has eschewed violence and decried al-Qaeda“….  (Apparently forgetting the Muslim Brotherhood  shot and killed Anwar Sadat, conspired to kill Mubarak, and attempted to assassinate his vice-president). To which the Obama Administration had to quickly correct.   (Strike Two)

Yikes. Talk about optical, and actual, incompetence.

So he is the perfect scapegoat to run blocker for the administrationIntelligence office says it got Libya attack wrong, not White House

WASHINGTON DC – Extremists from groups linked to al Qaida struck the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in a “deliberate and organized terrorist attack,” the top U.S. intelligence agency said Friday, as it took responsibility for the Obama administration’s initial claims that the deadly assault grew from a spontaneous protest against an anti-Islam video.

The unusual statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence appeared to have two goals: updating the public on the latest findings of the investigation into the assault, and shielding the White House from a political backlash over its original accounts.

“In the immediate aftermath (of the assault), there was information that led us to assess that the attack began spontaneously following protests earlier that day at our embassy in Cairo,” spokesman Sean Turner said in the statement. “We provided that initial assessment to executive branch officials and members of Congress, who used that information to discuss the attack publicly.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which coordinates and sets policies for the 16 other U.S. intelligence agencies, is led by retired Air Force Gen. James Clapper, who was appointed by President Barack Obama in August 2010.  (read more)

“Sorry dude, but I need Bill fronting for me so “tossing Hillary” is out of the question…  I have determined you will take the fall, don’t worry though, we’ll hook you up with a cushy lobbying thing….  See Valerie for the details”….

“Now, where were we”..
