For the purpose of this thread I want to focus on research of “Lead SPD Investigator” Detective Chris Serino.

This photograph was taken on the day of Friday March 16th during and exclusive interview with the Orlando Sentinel.  This same date, later in the evening (6pm), is when the Scheme Team went to Mayor Triplett’s office to listen to the 911 Tapes and pressured Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett into getting the tapes.   The tapes that Bill Lee had stated SHOULD NOT be released during the ongoing investigation.
With that in mind, and looking at the pictures, what do you think that Police Chief Lee, and Chris Serino were doing at the moment this picture was taken while accompanied by reporters from the Orlando Sentinel.?

During an exclusive interview Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee Jr. ,left, and lead investigator Chris Serino talk Friday, March 16, 2012 about the Trayvon Martin shooting incident. (RedHuber/Orlando Sentinel)

On April 2nd the Sentinel reported:
Two weeks ago, during an exclusive interview with the Sentinel, Lee disclosed certain details of the investigation and during that session, attended by Serino and others, Serino said his investigation turned up no reliable evidence that cast doubt on Zimmerman’s account – that he had acted in self-defense.
“The best evidence we have is the testimony of George Zimmerman, and he says the decedent was the primary aggressor in the whole event,” Serino told the Sentinel March 16. “Everything I have is adding up to what he says.”  (article)

Now it stands to reason that the reporter(s) (writer(s)) for the April 2nd printed Sentinel article quoted above, were the same reporters in the room on March 16th when this picture was taken.   Why did they (the reporters) delay revealing the content of the interview for two weeks?   ADD:  Indeed, rather than focus on the content of the interview with Police Chief Lee and Detective Serino for the reporting the next morning (Sat April 17th) they reported on the Trayvon Family hearing the tapes.  OS Article 3/17   
Think !
Was that interview  “off the record” until it later became neccessary, because of Ben Crumps letter to the FEDERAL DOJ with the false charges about Wolfinger and Lee,  to be “on the record”?   Or did the Orlando Sentinel reporter choose to specifically avoid the construct of the known lack of evidence to contradict Zimmerman’s account.  Occam’s Razor.
Obviously if Rene Stutzman had reported the actual interview, and the full content therein, to the public the day of the interview (Friday March 16th) much of the controversy of the false narrative itself would have been stopped.    [They would have been out in front of the DeeDee narrative from the following week].   But they did not run with the story shaped to show a lack of evidence.  Instead they chose to focus on the Martin family hearing the 911 phone calls?  Why?   Apparently, the two reporters (Stutzman and Pavuk) heard the tapes, and questioned Bill Lee and Chris Serino – along with others ‘not-named’ but inferred…
The Sentinel article ran an article with the emphasis of the exculpatory information on Monday April 2nd with information from the Friday March 16th interview.
The following day on Tuesday April 3rd the Reuters article mentioned below ran.
Now,  [Deep Breath] regarding Serino, I am interested specifically in the aspect of the (homeless man) Sherman Ware police brutality case, and how Serino brought his bias against George Zimmerman (because of that case) into the Trayvon Martin shooting.
In one of the multiple discussion threads there was a Treeper conversation about Serino stating during the interrogation that Zimmerman was “king of the homeless”.  I need links to the statement, or pdf, so I can capture screen grabs etc.
Also, any further information about the specific witnesses that Serino interviewed, who may have been compromised, or lead in their storyline by Serino’s obvious bias against Zimmerman.
It was Serino who told Tracy Martin (according to Tracy’s account) that he (Serino) felt Zimmerman was not being truthful about “intent” or “motivation” and he wanted to further pressure Zimmerman to push him on his statements.  Martin recalls what Serino said as told to Reuters:  -Published April 3rd-

“He told me Zimmerman’s story was that Zimmerman was of course following him and that Trayvon approached his vehicle, walked up to the car and asked Zimmerman, ‘Why are your following me?’ Zimmerman then rolls his car windows down, tells Trayvon ‘I’m not following you.’ He rolls his car windows up.
“Trayvon walks off. Zimmerman said he started running between the buildings. Zimmerman gets out of his car. He comes around the building. Trayvon is hiding behind the building, waiting on him. Trayvon approaches him and says, ‘What’s your problem, homes?’ Zimmerman says ‘I don’t have a problem.’
“Zimmerman starts to reach into his pocket to get his cellphone, and at that point Trayvon attacked him. He says Trayvon hits him. He falls on the ground. Trayvon jumps on top of him, takes his left hand and covers Zimmerman’s mouth and tells him to “shut the Fuck up” and continues to pound on him.
“At that point Zimmerman is able to unholster his weapon and fire a shot, striking Trayvon in the chest. Trayvon falls on his back and says, ‘You got me.’”
(Tracy Martin recounting Serino explanation to Reuters)
