What is wrong with this article (screen shot below) from CBS-DC ?  It’s subtle but what they are doing is specifically intentional.   Can you see it?

The CBS article is about Alexander Kinyua, the man who killed his roommate and ate part of his heart and liver.   But the accompanying picture that goes along with the article shows a white male in handcuffs.    Why?
This is how the media uses cultural Marxism to shade their stories.   If this had been a white male his face would have been clearly shown.   But because the hideous, sickening, and horrible crime was perpetrated by a black man they hide the race.
If you are in-tune to the media manipulations and agenda you will actually pick up on this specific and intentional technique frequently.   As an example if you see a news headline about a mob attack and a single victim, or a male/female couple as victims, the overwhelming odds are the mob was black.   But the media, out of some sense of convoluted political correctness, will never report on the race of the perpetrator.     It is specific and blatantly intentional.

Alexander Kinyua

If race is NOT mentioned, the criminal is almost always black.  Why is that?
In this example what does the graphic of a white man in handcuffs have to do with the story of Alexander Kinyua, killing his roommate, chopping him up into bits, eating parts of his brains and organs, and keeping the body parts in his home.?
What purpose is served by not putting the mug shot on the article?…. and instead misleading the reader with the optic of a pair of handcuffs on a white male?
In the varying degrees of Political Correctness, or more appropriately stated “Cultural Marxism,  this is what is also called “phase 2″ race censorship of crime.   Instead of just censoring the race of the perpetrator (phase 1), the media actually uses deception to subliminally convince the viewing audience that a black suspect is actually white.
