Somewhat based on the new video evidence,  Diwataman has put the “known facts”, including timeline, into an interesting and well constructed video consideration.  Take a look:

The only divergent position I would take to the video presentation is the physical location of the actual encounter.  Based on the 911 phone call, and from Zimmerman’s third hand accounts (police, dad etc), it would not appear he traveled down the path toward the townhome of Brandy Green.    George Zimmerman told police that Trayvon initially approached him from his left and from behind as he was walking back toward his vehicle. This “approach angle” was stated that night, the next morning, and in all subsequent questioning; from what we know he has been consistent.
So if you take GZ statements at face value, and you accept the same from DeeDee, it would imply that Trayvon traveled back up the path from Brandy’s house toward the “T” where the pathways meet.
