Following on the heals of ABC admitting the 12 year old Trayvon vs. Mugshot Zimmerman photographs might have been intentionally misleading, ABC now runs from their own story about Zimmerman video NOT showing him injured.
Gee, ya think all this new media exposure stuff is getting on their nerves?  What with having to actually be honest and all….. Nah, even in this report about their mistake they’re still lying.   
(Orlando Sentinel) — ABC News has re-digitized video of George Zimmerman taken shortly after Trayvon Martin’s shooting.

The video was unveiled as an exclusive this morning on “Good Morning America.” ABC was the first news organization to show the original tape.  [*Cough bullshit Cough* Breitbart’s been playing it all weekend]
Reporter Matt Gutman said the clearer video shows “what appear to be a pair of gashes or welts on George Zimmerman’s head.”
Neighborhood Watch volunteer Zimmerman has said he shot 17-year-old Trayvon in self-defense. The video shows Zimmerman arriving at the Sanford Police Department within an hour after the shooting.  (watch vid)

Notice how it’s the Orlando Sentinel in this story.   Funny that.  Apparently now that someone is quite possibly going to jail over the original stolen footage from the police station, the Sentinel and ABC are playing good cop/bad cop.
