Sharpton Explains How He Manipulates Media On Race Cases

If you watch the video above you will understand better why Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend “DeeDee” has not been permitted to give sworn testimony, or a statement to the police.
The contingent of professional race provacatuers that deem their financial interests, and purpose, are parasites dependent on generating divisive racial animosity at all costs.   Truth be damned when it gets in the way of their narrative and race-baiting agenda.
With DeeDee kept away from official statements and questioning, the group that has assimilated the Tracy Martin / Sybrina Fuller family into their narrative will be able to coordinate the false message to the media. 

However, it should be noted the media is just as complicit in selling the false narrative by not challenging the racial class on “why” DeeDee refuses to cooperate with Police and law enforcement, if indeed it truly is justice they seek.
