Time for a rant. Thanks, Patriot Dreamer. Your reference to Eric Holder’s “my people” comment has set me off. In the last few days, we have watched as the drama in France unfolded and the police cornered the monster who finished his killing spree by chasing a little girl with his motorcycle and holding her by the hair as he shot her in the head, because she was Jewish.
Everybody in the whole damned world, including the ignorant and willful liberals who hide from common sense like it is the plague, knew this man was going to be a muslim well before the newspapers were forced to tell the story. We are embroiled in the story of the death of Trayvon Martin. Robert De Niro has been gracious enough to share his views on white First Ladies with us. Some idiot who detoured her Slut Walk through the hallowed halls of Congress, where empty heads abide, has added fuel to the War on Women Crusade led by the least feminine and respectable females ever to lay claim to an X chromosome. 
I am tired of all this. I am tired of this “my people” mentality, this us against the ignorant world meme that magna cum laude graduates of Facebook University are foisting on society. Go. To. Hell. I choose my people, and I choose them all.
Yes, I have the typical non distinguished American pedigree, having German, English, Scottish, Irish, a little Cherokee, and God knows what else in my lineage. I am a Christian of the Catholic flavor. I am well on my way to being a senior citizen, I am a woman, a Southerner, and I am a gun owner, a homeowner, a pet owner and a chocolate lover.
Here’s what matters. I am an American. I am a productive, moral citizen of this world we live in. I work, I live, I study, I worship, I read, I vote. I obey the law. I try to do the right thing, to follow my conscience which is unapologetically based on Judeo Christian values. I believe the Constitution of the United States of America shows the world, yes the whole world, the best and finest way to govern a country and allow a people to prosper.
I am betting that you fall into most of those categories with me. You are my people, and I am your people. I do not care if you are black, Buddhist, live in the midwest (although I am sorry that you can’t all live here in the South 😀 ) or even if you don’t like chocolate or Jack Daniels. We can’t all be intelligent, after all.
If you are currently living in a tent on public property eating organic food delivered to you by a vegan chef, carrying signs ridiculing me for working and providing for your sorry, lazy, broke ass, you are not my people.
If you contribute to politicians who have violated my Constitutional rights and attacked my religion, and the right of my Church to practice what we believe, you are not my people.
If you support a Justice Department who allow thugs to impede the right of Americans to vote, you are not my people.
If you think that you should get a government check every month while I work, and you believe this is a long term right rather than a short term emergency aid, you are not my people.
If you call yourself an “ethicist” and believe that killing a baby after birth – why not, you murder them moments before – is ethical, you are not my people.
If you believe the nation of Israel should disappear from the face of the earth, you are not my people.
If you are muslim and you do not forcefully disavow all hostile attacks on innocent civilians, including your own women and children, you are not my people. If you are a muslim leader, particularly a religious leader, and you do not publicly state that murderers are condemned in this world and the next, you are not my people. Don’t tell me how peaceful your religion is, do something to change it for those who would be peaceful, who would live in harmony with others who are Jewish, Christian, or homosexual. Put your money and your conscience where your mouth is and do something.
You may live in Texas, New York, Poland, or Guam. You might be Asian, Hispanic, black, or blind. You might be an atheist, a doctor, or a philatelist. We have more in common than religion and ethnicity. We believe in freedom, responsibility, virtue, and honesty. We believe in hard work, in family, we believe in the future. We are a united people, united in something that cannot be broken by rhetoric and by persecution. We believe in ourselves, and we believe in each other.
