(*update for clarity) I’m not saying below that Team Obama has orchastrated the entire construct of the Joseph Krony story line. What I am saying is that they are strategically taking political opportunity with it.
I hate it when I’m deeply involved in a complex drama movie and then “whammo” the entire ending just comes to mind.   Nothing is more frustrating in movie enjoyment than the moment when your brain fires on all synapses and you recognize the inevitable outcome of the storyline you are watching.   Frustrating because there’s still 30 minutes left in the film.   Frustrating not only for me, but for my wife who thumps me on the shoulder each time and says “you ruined it for me again“, “why did you have to tell me”?
Sometimes it just becomes clear.    This is one of those times.
The killing or capture of Joseph Kony is lefty/new media/Hollywood loving Obama’s Bin Laden sequel 2.0, set to roll out this summer to adoring fans and followers of the “Gutsy Caller” in Chief.   Coming soon to a New York Times and small-screen near you.     The previews are Brilliant.    Just Brilliant.
The combination of social media, kids involvement, a young engaged impressionable group of adoring electorate showcasing the “Joseph Kony Surrender” effort,  and the Hollywood case of the “Invisible Children“.    Brilliant.   Simply flipping brilliant.
What could be more captivating than an entire world of people engaged in following the hunt for Lords Resistance Army head Joseph Kony.   A horrid man who has killed thousands of people, and abducted thousands of children to fight in his LRA army.
Kony is wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Kony 2012, has been viewed 41 million times on YouTube, most of them on  Thursday. An additional 445,000 people have “liked” it on Facebook. And on Twitter, celebrities such as Justin Beiber, Will Smith and J.K. Rowling have pushed the trend by sending out tweets. One tweet by P. Diddywas retweeted more than 57,000 times.
The video has gone viral, and even White House spokesman Jay Carney referenced it Thursday in his daily briefing.   From the Christian Science Monitor:

This week’s biggest Africa news isn’t from Africa. It’s from a massive online and social media campaign launched by the American advocacy group Invisible Children to capture indicted war criminal and Ugandan rebel leader Joseph Kony

As with their previous campaigns Displace Me and How it Ends, Invisible Children launched Stop Kony 2012 on Tuesday to mobilize the next generation of young Americans to help end the conflict in northern Uganda – except this time, they called on their mostly white, privileged, and educated youth followers to get involved through web-activism on their Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube accounts.

It all begins with a remarkable 30-minute video highlighting the instantaneous and hyper-connected world we live in. Founder Jason Russell narrates, stating “there are more people on Facebook than there were in the world 200 years ago” and that “humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and connect.” He may be right. In just two days, it has been viewed 32 million times and quickly grabbed the attention of personalities such as Oprah Winfrey, Van Jones, Sean Combs and Rihanna

 It is a powerful example of how social media, art and activism can merge to mobilize privileged people into action and how open-minded Americans want a safer, fairer, and more prosperous world.  (more)

The absolute intentional synergyzation of the Obama “Responsibility To Protect” doctrine, with United Nations Security Council Resolutions, The International Criminal Court, Hollywood, a global villain and abuser of children, Social Media, and the politics of a left-wing optic driven narrative.    Brilliant.   Absolutely Brilliant.
I wondered on this blog several months ago what could possibly be the motivation of the President to send US military special forces (Marines and Surgical Strike Teams) to Uganda to aid in the hunt.   At the time I worried that Libyan surface to air missiles might be in the hands of LRA via black market arms dealers.   The potential for missiles to leave Africa bound to the USA via Mexico is a real and present danger given AQNA and al-shabbab.   That was what my ordinary mind was concluding….
…… Because I was looking at it from a historical reference.   I didn’t see this coming until today, and now it all falls neatly into place.    Duh.   This is scripted.   Brilliantly scripted.
A global “where’s waldo” except with a real bad guy.  A really, really bad guy; and a bigger than “We Are The World food famine cause” to drive hip young i-Pad/ i-Phoners to work their social magic.   Look, over there,…. shiny fun things..     Hollywood could not have written a more perfect script, but funnily in a way, they did.   Well, at least they adapted and directed the leftist Obama Team’s screenplay.  With the help of the United Nations, The WCC, along with African and United States Military.
All that was needed was a dose of new media exposure, and an invisible pinch of global leftist humanity manipulation.   A hip crew, some famous peeps, and Viola, the new cause celeb….  😀
Well done Oprah, Hollywood, and Team Obama.   Really, really brilliant.
The Obama administration sent 100 special operations troops in October to work with Ugandan forces to root out Kony and his band of fighters. Another group of U.S. forces is working with the Congo and other neighboring countries to catch Kony.
An African leader such as long-time strongman Joseph Kabila of the Congo is unlikely to allow foreign troops on his soil “now that they’ve trained flood lights on him” with this film, they’ve attracted a bunch of media and PR to the equation.   Many people will think the decision was insufferably short-sighted, and fail.   They are looking at this strategy from the old prism matching my first perspective.
They just cannot fathom the brilliance of the political optic.   And this is all about “Politics” and re-election “Optics”.  For the “global” President.    If you listen closely you can almost hear the insider conversation.

Advisor – “things ain’t looking good in Syria boss.  And with Iran and Israel, well, in Polling, and, well, you know you did kinda do that whole R2P thing with the United Nations around congress with Kaddafi n stuff”…
Obama – “Hmmmm, yeah, you’re right”….  Mrs. Powers?
Powers – “Well, let’s see, we did seed that whole Kony LRA thing last year in case we needed a distraction down the line.
Advisor – “Oh Yeah,  I wonder how those U-Tube kids are making out with that PR stuff”?
Obama – ” Well, we did have a back-up plan, so we might as well use it.   Go ahead and pull the trigger on Operation Kony Surrender”.   “Find the 4 star brass for a strategic covo tomorrow,  and see if we can get any of our Hollywood peeps to jump on twitter and stuff”?
Advisor  – “I’m all over it boss”…..
