Tuesday afternoon Rick Santorum took to the stage in Phoenix Arizona to address Maricopa County Republicans at their annual Lincoln Day luncheon.  Recent polls show him equaling or in some cases surpassing Romney, and thus they’ve made him the target of increased scrutiny by the MSM.   Even Drudge got into the act with exploding headlines recalling dire Satanic warnings.  Fortunately  Santorum’s Arizona supporters,  as well as certain bloggers, didn’t think too much of the Drudge story. 


What was great to hear was Santorum taking the fight right back to the national media by accusing them of  “tearing down” the field of GOP presidential hopefuls.

“Will you be the generation that sat on the sidelines and watched as candidate after candidate comes up, and the national media takes their whack at them to try to destroy them in every way possible, as they’ve done with every single Republican candidate, and as they will between now the election? Will you sit on the sidelines and say, ‘Boy, that’s not fair,’ or will you stand up and fight for freedom?”

Below is the entire approximately 30 min. speech.  If you’re pressed for time, fast-forward to the last half of the second video…that’s where the highlights are.  BTW…you’ll be pleased to note the conspicuous absence of a teleprompter.

(Videos via ElectAd)
