Remember, Daley was brought on board because of the 2010 thrashing the Democrats and the administration took in the election.   Specifically at the time the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was in a ‘all out war’ with the White House over economic policy and the administration’s radical positions that were collapsing business and the economy.   William Daley was seen as a friendly, or moderate, bridge to the COC because Daley was viewed as more friendly toward business, and his appointment was hailed by the media as a positive move reflecting Obama’s willingness to extend an open hand to the business community.

However, now that Obama has specifically and intentionally placed his re-election narrative around severe left-wing policies to appease his base (see Keystone Pipeline) Daley is no longer needed.    President Obama and his administration will be running his re-election campaign around the sentiment of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.   Businesses and corporations will be outlined as “the problem” in America, and painted as the enemy.   Hence, Businessman Daley gone and Radical Lefty Jack Lew in.   (Remember also ,Jack Lew was State Dept. Director for Hillary framing the left-wing ideology in the Middle East.)

(Chicago Tribune) — William Daley is stepping down as White House chief of staff and budget director Jack Lew is taking over the President Obama’s team as it heads into a tough election year, senior administration officials say.

Daley gave his letter of resignation to the president in a private meeting in the Oval Office last week, recounting the administration’s successes of his one year on the job and saying it was time for him to return to his hometown of Chicago.

Obama plans to announce the change in leadership in a public event Monday afternoon. The official shift will take place at the end of the month, giving Lew time to complete the administration’s budget proposal while Daley leads the team through the crafting of the State of the Union address due in two weeks.  (article)

Valerie Jarrett is obviously “done” with Daley, and prefers Jack Lew.   The recently released book describing Michelle’s angst also plays a role in the thin-skinned comings and goings amid the crew of soulless usurpers in the White House.
