(Commentary Provided by BFH @ iOTW) – This clownfart who never did a thing in his life, but read and pontificate (look at this narcissist speaking with his hands in sweeping grandiose gestures) says that without the major investors and the CEO, etc., the factories will still be there and the people can just take over and manufacturing won’t miss a beat, (as if factories will be cutting edge forever without new innovations that require a risk taker that puts his capital on the line.)

He obviously doesn’t know shite about anything. From the bottom towards the top there are things about manufacturing that this shitstain has no idea exists. And salaries go up and up as you climb to the top of the corporate chain because they require more skills and knowledge than merely turning a wrench.
What a goddamn jackass.  Nothing would change under his system. Nobody is going to pay the janitor the same as the guy who designs the car.  And why is it that these Marxists are always interested in slipping into the shell of capitalism?
BUILD YOUR UTOPIA FROM NOTHING you friggin idiot.  Socialism always gets quite a head start from capitalism, doesn’t it?  (Visit BigFurHat at iOTW)
