The following pictures are from a May Day 2011 rally in Los Angeles, but they could easily be mistaken for pictures taken in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Argentina, or maybe Puerto Rico.

Ask yourself why CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, or MSNBC never showed this on video.  Or why NPR was silent.  Or why if you read the New York Times you never saw, read or heard a minute of coverage about this rally.

The media is complicit in keeping everything quietly subversive and under the radar.  While the Marxist/Socialist/Communist Left and Progressives creep into our schools, the unions, the media and our government…banners and posters with the images of Ernesto “Che” Guevara (Castro’s executioner) and Lenin would make Fidel Castro, Joe Stalin or Karl Marx proud to be an American!

This May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU, AFL-CIO and various communist groups, as well as other unions, reflects yet another step in the normalization of self-identified communist and socialist ideologies in the Obama era. Not only did the SEIU help to organize the rally in conjunction with communists, they marched side-by-side with communists, while union members carried communist flags, communists carried union signs, and altogether there was no real way to tell the two apart.

Southern California citizen journalist and photographer “Ringo” was on hand to record the day’s events, and posted a full-length photo essay on his site Ringo’s Pictures. To bring this important photo essay to a wider audience, we present here a small selection of Ringo’s May Day pictures; visit his site to see dozens more photos from this rally and others.

When you share with your friends, your family, or really anyone that public political rallies are more and more being led by communists and socialists, most unengaged folks simply don’t believe.   Why is that?  The communists freely and proudly declare their affiliation and the SEIU or AFL-CIO has no problem marching arm-in-arm with them.  They are not hiding their association.  Yet people ignore it, especially the media.

Obviously  “Smash Capitalism” is a slogan the SEIU apparently endorses — or at least doesn’t mind marching behind.   The SEIU devoted $28 million to Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign, making the SEIU “the organization that spent the most to help Barack Obama get elected president.” Furthermore, we know SEIU President Andy Stern not only visited the White House 53 times in 2009, was appointed to the Obama Deficit reduction Committee, but also was instrumental in the structure of Obamacare.  Obama is closely linked with the SEIU and the SEIU is closely linked with communists.

So, as you can see, the islamists, the Communists and the union members of the SEIU and AFL-CIO converge with a similarly minded ideology.  Remember these are the ground troops for the Democrat party.  These are Obama’s strongest advocates and supporters. The SEIU members and the Communist Party Members all joined together to chant “Legalization or REVOLUTION!” Clear enough?

Most of the idiots in the US who walk around with Che buttons or Che shirts do so simply because they foolishly think he’s “cool.” These hardcore communists carry his image not because he’s “cool,” but because he was one of the most radical revolutionaries who ever lived. Right up there with Lenin, apparently.

Ask yourself honesty:  If the Tea Party had marched in a rally behind a banner held up by communists, fascists, or neo-Nazis don’t you think it would have been national news?  But the nation’s biggest Obama-supporting political organization marched behind banners like these, and not a peep about it in the media. Hmmmm….

Until recently, the average American has regarded fascists and communists as equally noxious and equally malignant. As well they should have. But the drive these days by the left side of the spectrum is to make communism and socialism somewhat less remarkable and more palatable.

For two years the left and the left media angrily denied the Tea Party accusation that Obama’s policies and supporters had a socialist bent.  But in recent months, as the accusation has started to gain traction, the new leftist tactic has become: “What’s so bad about socialism after all? You’re demonizing a very popular and respectable ideology!”

Now ask yourself why is it wrong to question the ideology of the President?  The President advocates for SEIU and in his former job represented SEIU interests.   The president of SEIU is the most frequent visitor to the White House and now we know the president of AFL-CIO talks to the White House daily and visits several times a week.   Both the SEIU and the AFL-CIO are specifically supportive of The Communist Party USA.   Yet if you are to challenge Obama’s ideology and state a “fact based” reality as evidence in these photographs, or in the words and deeds of hundreds of Administration Communist sympathizers, you are accused of being ridiculous.

Well decide for yourself who is ridiculous.

A president who aligns himself in words and deeds with those intent on “smashing capitalism”, or a Tea Party member wanting to just restore sanity and reign in the ridiculous spending addiction of federal Government?    Who best represents you?
