Despite voter enthusiasm the Trump team should proceed with an abundance of caution.
trump-reagan-backlash-11-17-2016For over a week the executives and producers within CNN have been running various story lines associated with presidential assassination attempts.  
All of those broadcasts have been accompanied with images of Donald Trump campaigning. 
Example above. Donald Trump discussion with Regan assassination footage. 
The subliminal messaging when added to the preferred MSM narrative of a “dangerous” or “divisive” presidency equal an alarming dog whistle toward traditionally violent leftist minds. 
♦ An Ohio man, Zachary Benson, faces federal charges for tweeting on Election Day that killing Trump was his “life goal.”

“My life goal is to assassinate Trump. Don’t care if I serve infinite sentences. That man deserves to decease existing (sic),” Benson tweeted, according to a criminal complaint.

♦ The CEO of cybersecurity startup Packetsled resigned after vowing violence against Trump.

“I’m going to kill the President Elect. Bring it secret service,” Matt Harrigan wrote in a Facebook post he later said he believed to be private. No charges have been announced against him.

♦  A skit portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump by two 10th grade students at Marshall High School provoked anger and dismay from the parents of a student who watched it unfold last week.
Harold and Melinda Bean said that in the skit, entitled “The Assassination of Donald Trump,” one of the boys made a gunfire sound effect with his cell phone as the other boy, portraying Trump, fell to the ground in mock death.  (link)
♦  This sentiment is not new.  Consider this from 2015:
trump assassin 2trump-assassin-7-statement
Last Week – If you live in a swing state and you miss the controlled chaos of Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, help is on the way.  An official with Trump’s transition team said Thursday that ‘victory tour’ events are in the planning stages and could begin as soon as ten days from now.
Republican sources in Ohio and Florida told this week that the Trump transition had already made booking inquiries with past campaign rally venues in those key states.
Rumors swirled Thursday that Pennsylvanians were also likely to have a chance to celebrate personally with the president-elect.
George Gigicos, who served as the Trump campaign’s advance team director, spoke to reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower.  ‘We’re working on a victory tour now,’ he said. ‘It will happen in the next couple of weeks.’
When? ‘After Thanksgiving,’ he said.  (link)
