Donald Trump has won the presidency, and with it a fundamental political paradigm shift is about to take place. Within this shift the “grassroots” common sense American movement is about to grasp the scope of their prior abuse.
Those readers who are still inside the cycle of ‘battered conservative syndrome‘ are not going to like the sunlight that takes place upon their abusers over the next two months.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”
~ Niccolò Machiavelli

Just as candidate Trump removed the masks from those republican voices who actually support amnesty, Wall Street, endless wars and big government: NRO, Jonah Goldberg, George Will, Bill Kristol, Eric Erickson, Charles Krauthamer, Steve Hayes et al, and the entire coalition of the #Nevertrump crew… so too is Trump going to expose those liars who are financially vested in a massive monolithic institutional executive office.
Are you prepared to break the cycle of your own abuse?
five stooges never trump
Everything the “smaller government” grassroots movement has wanted since 2009, they are about to see attempted. However, unfortunately with that, we are also about to discover the scope of those who claimed such affinity but do not actually want that to happen. Prepare for the unmasking to continue.
President Elect Donald Trump will not be bringing the 4,000+ modern legion of executive office aides and appointees into his administration.
President Elect Donald Trump will reduce the size, scale and scope of government specifically because his DNA strain is based on productivity and actually accomplishing things for the people.
President Elect Donald Trump is not a politician.
Watch closely as you see how many prior advocates for smaller government do not actually want to see smaller government.  Their own financial best interests are not served by the approach.  They have been hiding behind the wire, within our ranks, for quite a while.
There’s a reason this website is called “The Last Refuge”.  We cut off all association with the gaslighting manipulators within the conservative movement a long time ago because we refused to allow ourselves to be victimized by them.

Trump-Pence Transition Website Available HERE

