Today has been a stunningly good day for the Trump/Pence ticket.  Both candidates are confidently arriving at the 10-day-window with enthusiasm, optimism and confidence.
Trump rallied in Colorado, where there were more people in the overflow crowd than both of Bill Clinton (Cleveland, OH) and Hillary Clinton (Daytona, FL) rallies combined.
lions together
Actually, with no diminishment inferred or intended, Governor Mike Pence was in Jacksonville North Carolina today with bigger attendance than Hillary and Bill Clinton combined….  THAT my friends is a massive enthusiasm disparity.
Here’s a look at Donald Trump in Golden Colorado today.
First, inside:
And here’s the Trump overflow watching on Jumbo TV outside the venue:
Governor Mike Pence was in Jacksonville North Carolina today:
Meanwhile, Bill Clinton held a rally in Cleveland Ohio on the campus of Cleveland University.  (Team Clinton used a small lobby)
And Hillary Clinton held a rally in Daytona Beach Florida at a community recreation center gym on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.:
Additionally, the ridiculous ABC Tracking Poll today stunningly drops all of Hillary Clinton’s prior 12 point advantage. Check out this “gaslighting” (ie. psy-ops):

[…] Changes in the poll’s latest four nights compared with the previous four are not mainly about people shifting in their candidate preference, but about changes in who’s intending to vote.
[…] Trump, meanwhile, has gone from a 6-point deficit to a 16-point advantage among independents, with more Republican-leaners in their ranks.  (link)  (pdf is here)

Stop me from laughing…. these “media polling” guys are too predictable:
Additionally, Michigan is looking really good.

190,000 Republicans have turned in ballots vs. only 170,000 Dems. Nearly 160,000 independent/unaffiliated voters have also cast ballots, a group Trump consistently leads with in nearly every poll.
Those numbers translate to:
Trump/R: 36.5%
Hillary/D: 32.6 %
Independent/Unaffiliated/Non-Primary voters: 30.9%

The best statistic within the Michigan article is actually an admission of the Monster Vote:
