No presidential candidate in our lifetime has ever had so much simultaneous opposition; yet worked so intensely hard to win the campaign. A stunning work ethic and drive.
Trump on reddit 2LAS VEGAS, NV – [Wednesday] night, Donald Trump for President held a Facebook Live event from the third Presidential Debate in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Much like a Trump rally, the Facebook Live event brought in a massive crowd of viewers, and the campaign saw record-breaking engagement numbers, proving Mr. Trump’s message is resonating across the board.
24 million people were reached during the ground breaking Facebook Live event, which translated into 8.8 million video views, 91 percent of which were unique users. These viewers watched 11.8 million minutes of content, the equivalent to 22 years of view time, which illustrates the strength of the event’s reach. There were 1.3 million comments made about the event, which garnered over 8 million post engagements making it one of the largest debate discussions on the internet.
The enormous groundswell of support for Mr. Trump spurred an impressive fundraising effort as well, generating $9 million in contributions from an excess of 150 thousand donors.
“Mr. Trump has said many times that this is not a campaign, it’s a movement. That is evident in the size of the crowds our campaign rallies attract, and also in the unprecedented level of engagement sparked by Mr. Trump’s social media activity. According to an analysis by the Center for Public Integrity, more than 96 percent of presidential campaign contributions made by members of the media have gone to Hillary Clinton. Our pre-and-post-debate Facebook Live event gave the Trump campaign an opportunity to leverage our candidate’s massive digital footprint to take our message straight to millions of voters, without the filter of the clearly biased media.”
Brad Parscale, Digital Marketing Director
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