♦ Candidate Donald Trump is the TV ratings cash cow. ♦ An embargo or boycott by Trump against a news organization can have actual bottom line impact on their finances. ♦ Many angles of reaction emanate from this disconcerting truism.
Additionally, this is 2016.
A presidential campaign year where MSM CFO’s use historical reference to budget hundreds of millions in advertising revenue from the various political campaigns. Entire annual corporate budgets are framed with this projected income in mind. If the revenue isn’t there the down stream impacts are significant.
Talking head pundit contracts were agreed upon, and written, with the corporate side projecting a specific five year revenue. Donald Trump has single-handedly turned off the spigot. This year the media must compete for revenue (ratings) more than ever before.
In order to get ratings, the media must create news.  Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook just found out how desperate they are, watch:

To be fair, this type of inquisition is not journalism. Then again, as we all know, journalism is dead.  Also, just because the inquisition is happening to the other team, doesn’t make it ok, it’s not.

Here’s the full show.

Almost all corporate media are in financial trouble except CNN.
CNN receives programming reimbursement from the U.S. State Department via The Bureau of International Information Programs (link); the same State Department program that pays Facebook for content. CNN is not as reliant on ad revenue because they get tens of millions from the U.S. State Department.
medialogostrump media wall
