In an effort to keep the discussion threads as clean, understandable and articulate as possible, we will be presenting discussion threads during the convention as follows:

rnc convention

The daily 2016 presidential election discussion thread will serve a dual role to discuss the morning convention sessions.  We will not be adding additional threads for convention coverage in the am sessions.

At 3:00pm we will present an afternoon convention discussion thread which will be a place for all afternoon and evening convention coverage.  Thanks to our rebel alliance friends at Right Side Broadcasting we will also embed a dedicated convention live stream.

kambree nelsonwayne dupree

Additionally, thanks to your financial contributions, the afternoon Live-Stream beginning at 4:00pm EDT will carry commentary and coverage from Kambree Kawahine Koa and Wayne Dupree via WAAR broadcasting (friends of The Rebel Alliance – CTH).

Both Kambree and Wayne will serve as honest and reliable eyes and ears sharing their perspectives on what’s going on in around the convention, as well as conducting interviews with more Rebel Alliance members.  (FYI, the links above go directly to their Twitter Accounts to follow)

For those of you following on TV – both CNN and Fox cable will be carrying daily coverage.  In addition CSPAN2 will carry and DirectTV has dedicated Channel #347 for all day convention coverage starting at 8:00am Monday.

If you miss any event coverage, we will have a drop category on the right margin labeled “GOP Convention – Cleveland“, where you can catch up on all threads related to the convention.

trump lion

trump lion 2

lions together
