It’s a Patrick Murray poll, so take it with the proverbial grain of salt – However, Monmouth University has recently polled a sample of Iowa voters (full pdf below) and finds Donald Trump leading Hillary Clinton 44% to 42%:
2 candidate trump vs clinton Monmouth University Iowa Poll July 2016
Patrick Murray is shocked, s.h.o.c.k.e.d, to find Donald Trump leading with voters under 50-years-of-age.  Trump is leading with younger voters 51% to 32% !

Monmouth University […]  One unusual finding in the poll is that Trump leads among voters under 50 years old in Iowa. In Monmouth polls conducted nationally and in other states, Clinton has held an advantage with younger voters.
Specifically, 51% of Iowa voters under age 50 currently support Trump, compared to 32% for Clinton, 7% for Johnson, and 3% for Stein or another candidate. Among voters age 50 and older, Clinton has the edge with 50% support, compared to 38% for Trump, 4% for Johnson and 1% for Stein or another candidate. (read more)

It ain’t that close folks…. it’s not anywhere near this close !

trump haters 1
Here’s the full pdf result:
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