Islamophobia is a term manufactured by the political left in order to shut down any argument against their position.  A “phobia” is defined as an irrational fear.  There is nothing irrational about being concerned with Islamic Terrorism.
The term Islamophobic is itself political correctness running amok.
Once you get beyond the trained instinct of hysteria, and focus on Trump’s substantive  proposal, to: “shutdown Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” – it actually makes a great deal of sense.
Islam Demonstrationdonald trump smirk
Such a position is really not the least bit controversial, and that’s exactly what makes it so brilliant on many levels.
Of course, if you are not willing to accept the concept of Islamic Jihad – and/or if you are unwilling to accept that Islamic Terrorists have been specifically targeting America for the past decade – well, in that instance Trump’s position might seem controversial.
However, for the rest of us, it makes a great deal of sense.

trump eagle 4
The exceptional part of Trump’s proposal is that it is the only consideration that might actually force non-Jihadist U.S. Muslims to confront the problem within their religion/association. That aspect makes Donald Trump’s plan rather unique.
In broad terms Donald Trump is reintroducing the concept of “societal shame” as a tool to combat anti-social behavior. If that shame creates isolation, so be it – a culture cannot be forced into a melting pot, they must make the decision themselves.
After decades of the progressive left pushing an ideology of shame as a bad thing, mostly because of the leftists severe aversion to the accompanying concept of guilt, Trump is throwing a bucket of ice-cold water on the ‘everyone-gets-a-trophy-crowd’.
Of course there is a commonality behind Islamic Extremists; that commonality is their adherence to authentic Islam – the degrees of separation within Muslim identity.
Conflating authentic Islam -as supported by a larger aggregate community that refuses to confront it- with the Christian extremists within the Westboro Baptist Church is just silly. The Westboro Church isn’t trying to kill non-Christians, and their controversial activity is resoundingly rebuked by the larger Christian community. There is no moral or intellectual equivalence there.
Neither is Catholic Pope Francis using St. Peter’s Square as a publicity draw for the beheading of non Christians.
Nor is it extremist elements within the Amish community trying to hide terrorist cells within local Amish communities; and Mr. and Mrs Jorgenson are not being willfully blind to Isaac the bomb-maker’s presence inside their church.
If it were the Amish, we’d be having a similar proposal about a prudent pause on Amish immigration – and virtually guaranteed without even one tenth the controversy.
But it isn’t. It’s Islam.
orlando noorsan bern terrorists
paris bombing 4
It is the adherent elements within the Muslim community doing this, carrying out Islamic Jihad; and they are specifically capable of carrying out their plan due in part to the “willful blindness” within various U.S. Mosques. And before anyone takes issue with the use of “Muslim Community” you should probably research the Holy Land Foundation federal trials, there is a significant element of co-dependent jihadism that’s been going on for quite a while.
Cartoons don’t kill people. Islamic ideologues, who interpret their religion to demand they kill cartoonists, are killing people.
Donald Trump is drawing a very bold line in the sand not because he wants it, but rather because it’s necessary, even urgent.
Perhaps if people would actually watch the un-aired portion of this December 2015 CBS interview with Trump, specifically about terrorism, they’d have a much better idea where he is coming from (See: 05:18 for discussion about “going too far“?)

What you see in that interview is Donald Trump having clear eyes as to the threat. Trump is a master at getting through the BS that is actual political correctness, and directly putting his words on the bottom line.
Previous Examples:

♦ “Well, someone’s doing the raping, Don” (Don Lemon – link)

♦ “Human rights violations? ISIS is chopping people’s heads’ off, and drowning them in cages right now Jake, it’s medieval”. (Jake Tapper – link)

Donald Trump’s call to: (1) pause Muslim Immigration; (2) reassess the threat matrix; (3) make some changes to the vetting process; (4) reevaluate the security risk, and (5) “figure out what is going on“, is not only non-controversial – it’s prudent and wise.
We’ve already been told the FBI can’t keep up with the current volume of threat from domestic Islamic Extremists already imported. Why would we take any additional risk and stretch them out even further? Again, common sense.
Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik had been working on their plan to attack San Bernadino for what now appears to be “several years”. As specific details come out they apparently were in a network of communication with ISIS type Islamists – and their families were certainly aware that “something” was going on.
san bern terroristssan bern mom
orlando 21 noor-salman1orlando 8
….It is beyond obtuse to believe otherwise.
In San Bernardino, Grandma was making dinner while a pipe bomb lay on the kitchen table – and the White House wants us to believe there was no familial knowledge; while CNN’s Fareed Zakaria wants Americans to ignore the familial knowledge.
Let’s insert some reasonable common sense here regardless of how uncomfortable it is.
And in the Orlando Massacre the killers wife drives him to scout targets and purchase ammo; his mother is the first to notice him not being home at 2:00am; his father is aware of his violent past…. yet we are again supposed to believe it was a “lone wolf” attack?
Clearly, with even a small dose of common sense applied, the families of these terrorists are aware something is about to happen – yet they do nothing.
The accusation of Islamophobia is directly opposite of “see something, say something”. It defies common sense.  And while we are discussing common sense, let’s not forget the current administration’s approach toward combating Islamic terrorism post Paris attack:
kerry and james taylor

How did that approach work out?

Perhaps we should ask the people of San Bernardino, or Brussels… or, now Orlando.

“We’re being led by stupid, stupid people” ~ Donald Trump

Mr Trump’s right !
