I doubt you could find a more apropos contrast than today with Donald Trump campaigning in Tampa Florida and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, while the insufferable old GOPe represented by Mitt Romney hole up in an exclusive and indulgent mountain top enclave…. while decrying the audacity of the vulgarian insurgency.
Here’s the ball cap clad blue collar businessman in Pennsylvania delivering a speech with his plane as the backdrop.  Think about it:
trump plane
“His Plane”, the result of his effort, his acumen, his work ethic and his determination.
He’s effectively won the nomination.  The convention still a month away.  It’s mid June, and yet there’s Trump busting his butt on the campaign trail, visiting key battleground states and fighting for every possible voter.
On this exact day four years earlier, presumptive republican nominee Mitt Romney was taking a few weeks off, lounging and relaxing at the spa amid the white wine spritzer crowd – having determined the visits to the unwashed masses were no longer necessary.
Not Donald Trump. Not 2016.  Not this guy… Our candidate is sweating his ass off fighting against every possible adversary while the ankle biting Romney loyalists sip summer cocktails chilled with frozen artesian rain water.
trump lion - romney rat
