You might remember Rick Wiley who was previously serving as a campaign manager for Governor Scott Walker.   Wiley is BIG GOPe, and came under fire for building a campaign apparatus that was too big, too expensive, far too RNC/GOPe, and also way too stupid.
However, despite all that (and there’s much worse), Paul Manafort wanted Wiley hired; he claims now it was a sympathy hire, so the Trump campaign brought on Wiley.
team trumprick Wiley 2
Today, Wiley learned what the Code of Omerta means and what happens in Trump world when you embody divided loyalties.  By firing Wiley, Paul Manafort is now also knocked down more than a few pegs and is notified of who’s running the show, it ain’t him.
And the announcement on the change is hilarious:
trump statement on riley
trump melania and donald
Look, here’s the bottom line for everyone who’s generally new to following the Trump campaign.  Everything is about loyalty.  Trump is wolverine-intense loyal.
The exclusively small team -those four who earned their stripes by fighting for this campaign when everyone said they didn’t have a chance- are the top tier.  Everyone else is below them. Period.
Those few, those band of brothers, are the happy warriors who were exclusively recruited by Mr. Trump for their specific skill-sets.  Those happy warriors were not professional political operatives, only one had any experience in politics at all.
A Blue Collar Billionaire created an entire campaign around us, the American people.  Those he recruited understand who, what and why the campaign is about the American People.

….”I don’t want to say never, because, well, you never know.  If it ever got bad enough, well, then perhaps I’d be forced to run. … If it ever got bad enough”.  ~ Donald Trump 1988

team trump
trump lions
