Much is being made of this meeting today between Senator Bob Corker and Donald Trump.  Some have speculated this is a potential meeting because Corker is a possible vice-presidential candidate….  Absolutely WRONG.
Corker is meeting with Donald Trump as an “ambassador from the Wall Street legislative architects”.
bob corker
Refer to all of those prior discussion and research posts about Wall Street not understanding who Donald Trump is, and what his intentions are toward their legislative endeavors.   They do not understand what he means by “America First”; they are actively trying to figure it out.  Please also reference the prior discussions on economic shifts over the past three decades and the “hidden economy”.    All these factors are converging.
Senator Bob Corker is one of the Corinthian Chair holders along with McConnell, Hatch, Cornyn, Cochran, et al.   In this meeting Corker was acting as an ambassador of sorts, an intermediary, from the Wall Street legislation team.   Corker is researching, probing, trying to determine “the play” and potential risk.
That is specifically and intentionally why Donald Trump agreed to the meeting, but only on his home turf.  This is political chess amid power-brokers and financial interests. Trump is intensely in-tune to EVERYTHING you too are aware of – and he is on our side.
Donald Trump knows the “Decepticons“, and their agenda.
Now watch video:
