The only public poll released so far in the 2016 presidential primary race of Indiana voters reflects essentially what has previously been shared via ground reports.  Candidate Donald Trump is holding a lead and there is a remarkable increase in voter enthusiasm.
♦ Indiana votes on May 3rd. ♦ It is an open primary, Democrats, Republicans and Independents are allowed to participate. ♦ There are 57 delegates available. ♦ The primary is “Winner-Take-All” by district and state-wide. ♦ 9 districts x 3 delegates per (27 total), and 30 delegates to the overall state winner:
Indiana poll 4-23-16
(Via Howey Politics) The poll was conducted by pollster Gene Ulm of Public Opinion Strategies from April 18-21, with a 500 base sample and both Democratic and Republican over samples. The margin of error in the Republican race was 4.3%, while on the Democratc side, it is 4.47%.
“Turnout will be a factor,” Ulm said. Of Trump, Ulm said “His new supporters are a huge factor. The larger it is, the better he will do.” Secretary of State Connie Lawson said this week that with early voting doubling in the first eight days over 2012, there could be “unprecedented” turnout. (link)
2016 voting through April 22 2016
trump indiana 3trump indiana 4
