The latest Donald Trump radio ad highlights his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, speaking eloquently on behalf of her father:

Candidate Donald J Trump has entered the eye of the storm. The blistering winds that form the hurricane of self-interested opposition, from both the political left and the political right, are trying to destabilize his populist campaign.

This should not come as a surprise.

There are literally trillions of dollars at stake for those who control global finance, Wall Street, corporatists, crony capitalists, professional politicians and influence peddlers. Those same entities have structured the U.S. economy and broader U.S. economic policy to ensure their own scheme and graft.  Trump is taking them all head on.

Donald Trump represents the single immovable object who refuses to allow further garnishment of American assets, and diminishment of American values. There is no other candidate in modern history who represents such a significant threat to global interests that are antithetical to the American citizenry.

As a direct consequence he is receiving fire from all sides. STEEL YOUR RESOLVE. His greatest weapon against our external and internal adversaries is the same today as it was seven months ago.


Candidate Trump is giving everything he can to this effort. Showcasing a work ethic familiar only to those who choose not to be beholden to others;  he is also displaying a determination America writ large desperately needs to emulate.

Trump rally texas

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Trump hugs a U.S. flag as he takes the stage for a campaign town hall meeting in Derry

trump reagan
