The hilarious agenda of Fox News and their GOPe objectives was evident again this evening when Harris Falkner interrupted live coverage of a Belgium police terror-hunt interview/presser to go back to Fox News Sunday and the pre-recorded Rubio interview.

Falkner (6:02pm): …“Well, I’m,.. I’m sorry to cut you off but we must return to Fox News Sunday and the interview with Marco Rubio”…  ROFLMAO !   Whoopsie.

Oh well, here’s the Fox Poll (full pdf below):

fox poll screengrab November 22 2015

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Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox's Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)
Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

grubering us 2

kermit gif

tRuMp thIS, TrUmP THat,…. TrUmP, tRuMp, TrUmP…. AlWaYs wITh thE tRuMp ! jEb… rUbIo…. bUsH….. mARcO… hEcK CruZ  – AnYoNe, aNyOnE, nOt TrUmP… wHy FoR tHe LoVe oF GoD cAn’T We gEt ThEm pAsT tHe TRUMP !


