The latest CNN/ORC poll from Iowa (full pdf below) shows Donald Trump remaining in the lead despite various prior efforts within agenda-polling to highlight a divergent narrative.  Trump leads in all categories of voter concern: ♦ Economy ♦ Illegal Immigration ♦ Foreign Policy ♦ Medicare and Social Security.

Ben Carson leads on “social issues”: Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage. Ben Carson remains in second place which seems to belay the concern that Carson’s opposition to federal corn subsidies (outlined in prior debate) would diminish support.


Marco Rubio continues to retain benefit from “Operation Hummingbird”; however, the evident weakness in Rubio’s ability can be measured against the visibility of the Chris Christie insurance policy being called to action by MSM/GOPe operatives.   Ted Cruz is positioned to take most of Carson’s evangelical supporters if collapse occurs.

Washington (CNN)–  In just under three months, voters in Iowa will gather at caucus sites across the state in the first event of the 2016 presidential nominating contest.

And a new CNN/ORC poll finds those voters tilting heavily in Hillary Clinton’s favor on the Democratic side, and divided between Donald Trump and Ben Carson on the Republican end.

The poll of likely Iowa caucus-goers finds Trump with 25% support, Carson 23%. Those two are well ahead of their nearest competitors, Sens. Marco Rubio (13%) and Ted Cruz (11%).

Behind this top tier, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tops the remainder of the field with 5%, businesswoman Carly Fiorina and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal each hold 4%, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has 3%, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, 2008 Iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul each have 2%, with the rest at less than 1% support.  (read more)

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Trump thumbs up
