Weeks ago we stated the broad-base support from the “Salty Girls”, ie. Stump for The Trump Sisters, represented a visible threat to the power structures that like to keep people inside their special interest boxes. Their infectious enthusiasm is brilliant, but beyond that their advocacy cuts through a million strands of carefully placed narratives.
It was only a matter of time before the liberal wing of the media turned the Eye of Sauron toward the threat and targeted Stump for Trump. Apparently, it has begun.
(Via GWP) This weekend the duo was scheduled to go on MSNBC with Steve Kornacki but they were cancelled at the last second. The ladies said MSNBC wanted to know where they live, the names of their children and names of their employers. Then MSNBC cancelled their segment when they wouldn’t disclose the information. This set them off.

At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information. Why he need that? So he could do a hit piece on us! So after dedicating 4 hours to be on his show, he cancelled us because we want to protect our privacy. They try to spread hate about Trump at MSNBC, and now they try to do it to us. But we don’t play that game, we fight fire with fire!
